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  • 07/11/1961

    Arranging Annual Conference with Reichenberger in Philadelphia.
  • 04/11/1961

    Informing Alcoverro about Truman's response.
  • 03/11/1961

    Impossibility to sell Catalan stage rights due to Spanish jurisdiction.
  • 03/11/1961

    PMLA Bibliographies beginning with 1957 for American Catalanists.
  • 02/11/1961

    Informing Alcoverro about English Theatre Guild's decision on 'Romanoff and Juliet' translation rights.
  • 02/11/1961

    Answering Truman's letter on 'Romanoff and Juliet' translation rights.
  • 01/11/1961

    English Theatre Guild Ltd. rejection of 'Romanoff and Juliet' translation rights into Catalan.
  • 29/10/1961

    Letter to Miss Truman about 'Romanoff and Juliet' into Catalan.
  • 27/10/1961

    Informing about Peter Ustinov's rights for the Catalan Theatre.
  • 25/10/1961

    Request of the rights in translating and representing in Catalan 'Romanov and Juliet' by Peter Ustinov.
  • 24/10/1961

    Arranging colaboration with A.G. Reichenberger with American Hispanists.
  • 19/10/1961

    Arranging ACS Conference and discussing papers.
  • 12/10/1961

    Arranging ACS Conference with Trueta at Worcester College.
  • 06/10/1961

    AHGB acknowledgement of ACS Conference.
  • 25/09/1961

    Letter of gratitude. Re: attendance.
  • 04/09/1961

  • 15/08/1961

    Letter of gratitude. Re: trips to Catalonia.
  • 08/08/1961

    Scholarship application. Invisible.
  • 26/07/1961

    Hutchinson's plans to fly to Catalonia to prepare his anthology.
  • 17/07/1961

    ACS activities.
  • 17/07/1961

    Asking for scholarship report.
  • 14/07/1961

    Letter of gratitude. Re: scholaship and support.
  • 11/07/1961

    Informing about Hutchinson's work on Catalan poetry and the project of publishing an anthology on contemporary poetry. List of interesting references on Catalan and Gaelic literature.
  • 06/07/1961

    Scholarship application. Invisibe.
  • 06/07/1961

    Letter about ACS Presidency.