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  • 09/06/1962

    Arranging ACS Conference at Oxford, Catalan Special Subject Course and the arrest of students in Spain.
  • 08/06/1962

    Supporting actions for the arrested students in Spain whom were in a demonstration in favor of the Asturian workers.
  • 06/06/1962

    Discussing papers and arrangements for the ACS Conference.
  • 06/06/1962

    Arranging a meeting.
  • 06/06/1962

    Promoting English-Catalan Grammar and Dictionary of Joan Gili.
  • 1962

    Letter joining Felibre's celebration.
  • 01/06/1962

    Letter regarding papers offered to the Conference by young Cambridge scholars.
  • 31/05/1962

    Rosa Leveroni's participation at the ACS Conference at Oxford.
  • 25/05/1962

    Enclosing summary of the paper 'La lexicografia valenciana'.
  • 15/05/1962

    References of Catalan and Spanish Literature.
  • 09/05/1962

    Information request letter. Re: ACS Circulars and Minutes.
  • 07/05/1962

    Conference proposal.
  • 05/05/1962

    Talking about Jordi Carbonell's visit in England.
  • 04/05/1962

    Possible participation of Batllori at the ACS Conference with a paper entitled: 'La cultura catalana a la cort dels Borges'.
  • 26/02/1962

    Arranging ACS Conference at Oxford.
  • 01/05/1962

    Arranging Rosa Leveroni's attendance to the Conference.
  • 1962

    Document to support threatened languages to UNESCO.
  • 01/05/1962

    Agenda for the 'Casal Català a la Gran Bretanya'.
  • 30/04/1962

    Conference proposal. Re: El Tirant.
  • 29/04/1962

    Letter of gratitude. Re: paper at the Conference.
  • 26/04/1962

    Confirmation letter. Re: attendance.
  • 23/04/1962

    Letter of confirmation. Re: attendance.
  • 17/04/1962

    About Tate's visit to Rome.
  • 02/04/1962

    Letter regarding Committee Membership.
  • 29/03/1962

    Arranging conference papers.