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  • 1956

    Abstracts of Batista, Hibbert, Pring-Mill, Tate and Ribbans.
  • 1956

    ACS Secretary’s Report.
  • 1962-09

    Summary of the VIII ACS Conference Papers.
  • 1962-09

    VIII ACS Conference Programme.
  • [Sense títol]

    Arranging details for the VIII ACS Conference.
  • 1962

    Arranging details for the VIII ACS Conference.
  • 1962

    General information about Andorra.
  • 1961-12

    Message from the President of the Generalitat de Catalunya.
  • 25/01/1962

    Information for the Jocs Florals de la llengua catalana prizes.
  • [Sense títol]

    Abstract. Re: Realism in the Tirant lo Blanc.
  • [Sense títol]

    Preparation of a Chrestomathy of Catalan Medieval Texts.
  • 1962

    Arranging details for ACS Conference, Oxford.
  • 16/06/1962

    Abstract. Re: Salvador Espriu.
  • [Sense títol]

    Brief Summary of Valencian Lexicography.
  • [Sense títol]

    List of members address. Invisible.
  • 1962

    Information letter. Re: ACS Conference.
  • 03/09/1962

    Contemporary Cultural Course Programme.
  • 1962-09

    Circular regarding the next ACS Conference and the Hispanists' Congress in Oxford.
  • 05/09/1962

    Arranging details for ACS Conference at Oxford.
  • 04/09/1962

    Arranging details for ACS Conference at Oxford.
  • 03/09/1962

    Arranging details for ACS Conference at Oxford.
  • 03/09/1962

    Conference arrangements.
  • 03/09/1962

    Miss de Boer's paper for the VIII ACS Conference at Oxford.
  • 02/09/1962

    Arranging details for ACS Conference at Oxford.
  • 27/08/1962

    Information request letter. Re: Hispanist Conference in Cambridge.