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Conjunt de recursos


Cerca avançada
  • 27/03/1956

    Letter of acceptance. Re: conference paper.
  • 09/05/1956

    Arranging accommodation in Cambridge.
  • 20/03/1956

    Arranging details for the Jocs Florals.
  • 25/02/1956

    Comments on papers for the next ACS Conference.
  • 11/04/1956

    Comments on papers for the next ACS Conference.
  • 06/04/1956

    Comments on papers for the next ACS Conference.
  • [Sense títol]

    Abstract on '18th century Spain as seen by foreign travelers with special reference to Catalonia'.
  • 14/04/1956

    Comments on papers for the next ACS Conference.
  • 25/04/1956

    Comments on papers for the next ACS Conference.
  • [Sense títol]

    Comments on papers for the next ACS Conference.
  • 03/08/1956

    Conference arrangements.
  • 06/06/1956

    Arranging details for the Jocs Florals.
  • 22/11/1956

    Letter of apology. Re: attendance.
  • 29/11/1955

    Letter of gratitude. Re: invitation.
  • 20/04/1956

    Invitation letter. Re: ACS guest speaker.
  • 27/04/1956

    Letter of apology. Re: teaching at Nottingham.
  • 1956

    Report on 'La cultura catalana avui. França i Occident'.
  • 1956

    Information regarding the 'Jocs Florals de la Llengua Catalana'.
  • 08/06/1956

    Accommodation receipt.
  • 27/03/1956

    Letter of gratitude. Re: information on the 2nd Piano Competition in Barcelona.
  • 01/01/1956

    2nd Piano Competition prizes and programme.
  • 01/01/1956

    Palau de la Música Concert Programme.
  • 02/01/1956

    2nd Piano Competition in Barcelona organized by Ars Nova.
  • 1956-01

    2nd International Piano Competition in Barcelona 1956.