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  • 10/03/1958

    Arranging details for the Annual General Meeting.
  • 20/05/1958

    Arranging details for the ACS Conference 1959.
  • 10/04/1958

    Arranging details for the ACS Conference 1959.
  • 02/09/1958

    Arranging details for the Annual Luncheon.
  • 05/12/1958

    Arranging details for the ACS prize for the best translation.
  • 26/09/1957

    Arranging details for the Annual Luncheon and the General Meeting.
  • 11/10/1957

    Correspondence regarding the support of Pau Casals for the Nobel Prize.
  • 27/05/1957

    Correspondence regarding a creation of a comittee to support Pau Casals nomination to the Nobel Prize.
  • 02/08/1957

    Congratulation letter. Re: article in 'The Times'.
  • 02/08/1957

    Letter of withdrawal. Re: 'The Times'.
  • 30/08/1957

    Letter of gratitude. Re: conference report.
  • 18/04/1956

    Arranging details for the Jocs Florals.
  • 18/09/1956

  • 21/04/1956

    Arranging details for the Pring-Mill's paper.
  • 06/04/1956

    Arranging details for the Pring-Mill's paper.
  • 08/05/1956

    Congratulations on the organization of the II ACS Conference.
  • 28/04/1956

    Arranging details for the next ACS Conference.
  • 16/06/1956

    Correspondence regarding the paper: 'Els primers Jocs Florals a Catalunya'.
  • 22/04/1956

    Conference proposal.
  • 02/05/1956

    Congratulations on the programme for the II ACS Conference.
  • 04/04/1956

    Arranging details for the Jocs Florals.
  • 27/06/1956

    Arranging accommodation details for the Jocs Florals.
  • 12/04/1956

    Abstract. Re: Tate.