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  • 16/05/1988

    Correspondence with the Agrupació N.C.
  • 21/06/1988

    Letter of attendance. Re: confirmation pending.
  • 15/07/1988

    Letter of attendance. Re: confirmation pending.
  • 13/07/1988

    Information regarding Catalan initiatives in Brazil and Uruguay to celebrate the 500th Anniversary of the discovery of America.
  • 14/01/1988

    Request of collaboration letter. Re: ACS and Universitat d'Alacant.
  • 13/02/1987

    Notification of the new Junta Directiva of the Centre Català.
  • 07/10/1988

    Request for a copy of 'Homage to Joan Gili'.
  • 28/10/1988

    Information request letter. Re: ACS Details.
  • 24/10/1988

    Information request letter. Re: conference.
  • 20/12/1988

    Christmas letter.
  • 03/02/1987

    Noting that OUP has published a book by S. Balfour on labour in Barcelona since 1939.
  • 14/05/1989

    Information request letter. Re: ACS Scholarships and Jobs.
  • 14/05/1989

    Information request letter. Re: ACS Scholarships and Jobs.
  • 05/06/1989

    Request letter. Re: Catalan into English translator.
  • 20/05/1989

    Letter offering a book donation to the ACS.
  • 03/08/1989

    Information request letter. Re: ACS Membership.
  • 26/10/1989

    Information request letter. Re: Walker's pupils.
  • 11/10/1989

    Letter regarding a guide book on Catalonia.
  • 18/09/1989

    Letter regarding a study trip to Barcelona.
  • 21/11/1989

    Information request letter. Re: 'Certificat Internacional de Català'.
  • 10/06/1990

    Request of collaboration letter. Re: work placement.
  • 15/09/1990

    Information request letter. Re: GCE Level in Catalan.
  • 23/11/1989

    Conference arrangements.
  • 20/09/1989

    Information request letter. Includes an article entitled: 'Civil War veteran fighting for region's autonomy'.
  • 28/06/1989

    Letter regarding a Barcelona study trip at the Casa Rovira.