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  • 14/02/1986

    Information request letter. Re: Catalan courses in the UK or Catalonia.
  • 07/02/1986

    Letter about the study on Catalanophile groups carried by the Unesco's Centre of Catalonia.
  • 21/02/1986

    Information request letter.
  • 18/03/1986

    Correspondence regarding a variety of points.
  • 21/03/1986

    From the Òmnium Cultural congratulating the ACS on being awarded with the I Premi Internacional Ramon Llull.
  • 20/03/1986

    I Premi Internacional Ramon Llull awarded to the ACS.
  • 06/04/1986

    Information request letter. Re: teaching post in the UK.
  • 11/12/1985

    Reply to R. Sala 1985-10-25.
  • 18/06/1986

    Request of collaboration letter. Re: book on history of Astronomy in Catalonia.
  • 01/05/1986

    Circular for the XXXII ACS Annual Conference.
  • 03/11/1986

    Secretary to participate in the newspaper's activities.
  • 22/10/1986

    Information request letter. Re: Catalan courses in the UK. From the Generalitat de Catalunya.
  • 08/10/1986

    Letter of gratitude. Re: accepting paper.
  • 17/10/1986

    Letter of gratitude. Re: conference.
  • [Sense títol]

    List of special fares made available to ACS Members by a Spanish tour operator.
  • 15/12/1986

    Information request letter. Re: membership.
  • [Sense títol]

    Information letter. Re: ACS Activities.
  • 12/01/1987

    Information request letter. Re: sociolinguistic situation in Catalonia since 1978.
  • 27/01/1987

    Informing the ACS of a photographic exhibition to be held by the Federació Catalana de Fotografia.
  • 29/12/1986

    Request for collaboration letter. Re: II Congrés Internacional de la Llengua Catalana.
  • 08/03/1987

    Information request letter. Re: ACS Activities.
  • 10/03/1987

    Request for collaboration letter. Re: promotion of the book 'Haikús d'Arinsal'.
  • 19/01/1987

    Stating that a Centre de Documentació has been established for public use by the Generalitat de Catalunya.
  • 04/10/1987

    Information letter. Re: ACS Scholarship.
  • 22/04/1987

    Letter about an article published in 'El Periódico'.