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Cerca avançada
  • 01/12/1958

    Action to present and acknowledge Catalan situation at X Unesco Annual Conference.
  • 01/12/1958

    Invitation letter. Re: guest speaker.
  • 1971

    Members address. Invisible.
  • 18/11/1958

    Letter of gratitude. Re: examinations and arranging Vicens Vive's visit to England.
  • 11/11/1958

    Query about translation prizes.
  • 11/11/1958

    Organizing Martin de Riquer's participation to the ACS Annual Conference.
  • 1983

    Letter regarding ACS Scholarship.
  • 27/01/1983

    Letter planning a visit to England.
  • 15/12/1982

    Letter about the Repertori de Catalanòfils' project.
  • 08/12/1982

    Letter about the Repertori de Catalanòfils' project.
  • 26/11/1982

    Letter about 'El Català a Europa i Amèrica'.
  • 30/11/1982

    Letter of collaboration with the ACS.
  • 12/03/1982

    Letter regarding ACS Activities.
  • 25/11/1985

    Letter of gratitude. Re: reception at Hayward Gallery.
  • 26/11/1985

    Information request letter. Re: ACS Activities.
  • [Sense títol]

    Information request letter. Re: Catalan courses in the UK and on Catalan culture.
  • 22/11/1985

    Notice regarding the 'II Congrés Internacional de la Llengua Catalana' about voting delegates.
  • 18/11/1985

    Information request letter. Re: Valencia and ACS Activities.
  • 24/11/1985

    Letter of apology. Re: attendance.
  • 11/12/1985

    Reply to F. Petit i Reig. 1985-11-12.
  • 12/11/1985

    Request for the ACS to support Barcelona's bid for the 1992 Olympic Games.
  • 12/12/1985

    Information request letter. Re: membership.
  • 01/11/1985

    Offer to cook a tipical dinner for the ACS Conference.
  • 12/12/1985

    From the Cercle d'Agermanament Occitano-Català asking if the ACS would like to join in.
  • 1986

    Letter regarding Batista i Roca's tribute.